Please click on the links below to read more information.
Parish Small Groups
Rosary Stroll at Pukekura Park
Feel free to join us for a rosary stroll around the main lake at Pukekura park. We meet outside Tea House On The Lake on Thursdays at 11:00am.
Sunday Gospel Reflection
You are welcome to share and have 'conversations' around God's Words in the Sunday Gospel readings.
- Monday mornings 9.45am -11.00am, Parish Office.
- Thursday mornings 10.15 am – 11.30am, Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Fitzroy.
St Vincent de Paul Society
We have two conferences in New Plymouth; St Joseph's coordinate the Community Dinners on a Tuesday night, Whare Kai (cooking lessons for Marfell Mums), Community Organisation for Refugee Support and providing furniture for people in need. The Fitzroy Conference's main focus is the Op shop situated in Fitzroy, which funds community groups that are not eligible for government support ie. Ironside.
St Joseph's Conference contacts:
Romellia Rosal - President [email protected]
Ph. 021 2697860
Fitzroy Conference:
Margaret Roylance - President [email protected]
021 0323942
To view the SVdP New Plymouth St Joseph's Conference Annual Report 2022-2023 - please click here
Young Vinnies
The Young Vinnies are a group of students associated with St Vincent de Paul Society. They work together to support those in need through fundraising and good works. There is currently a group at St Joseph’s and St Pius X Schools.
Faith and Light
Kimi Ora - “To seek Wellness”.
Is a network of Christian Communities for people with an intellectual disability, their families and their friends. Join over 1600 communities in 80 countries.
We meet monthly for a time of Prayer, Sharing and Celebration. We learn about Jesus, sing, dance, mime, play games and activities.
At present, there are 12 members, 4 parents and several friends who attend faithfully to assist at the gatherings. If you know of anyone aged 7 – 50 years who would like to participate, the Kimi Ora group would like to hear from you.
Youth Group
Weekly (except school holidays) there is a Youth Group at 6:30 pm which involves Fun, Fellowship, Faith and Food! In-Service and Team Building the Youth Group host a Youth Mass and cook for those in need monthly. Occasionally there will be retreats and camps to attend!
“Building love and developing Friendship with Christ”
Phone 027 7573612 for more information
Catholic Women’s League
The New Plymouth Branch of the CWLANZ belongs to an international group of women who work together to make a difference in the church, the wider community and the Pacific region.
We have a strong membership, offer friendship support and the opportunity to be involved in branch/regional activities and celebrations.
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at St Joseph's church.
First Friday of each month, a light lunch is provided for $7, after the 12.05pm Mass. Everyone is welcome.
Passionist Family Groups
Anyone wanting information or would like to join a family group in New Plymouth, please contact the Parish Office.
Couples for Christ
Couples for Christ
CFC is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. CFC couples have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfil their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God.
Why such a ministry?
CFC wants to rise in defence of the family, which is God’s work. CFC wants to bring God’s strength and light to those who are struggling to be truly Christian families in the modern world.
Who can become members of Couples for Christ?
Any validly married Catholic couple can become members of CFC. Although a Catholic movement/organization, CFC remains open to having non-Catholic Christians as members. CFC draws its membership from all sectors of society, young and old, rich and poor, etc. CFC transcends all cultural, economic, educational, social and other distinctions.
On the 25th of April 2005, the Vatican, through its Pontifical Council for the Laity granted definitive approval of the statutes of Couples for Christ confirming permanent recognition as a Private International Association of the Faithful.
Family ministries of Couples for Christ
CFC has a "womb-to-tomb" renewal ministry, where persons are evangelized at the youngest age and sustained as they grow through the different stages and states of life. CFC Kids for Christ, CFC Youth for Christ, CFC Singles for Christ, CFC Handmaids of the Lord, and CFC Servants of the Lord provide a supportive environment for every member of the family. A person moves from one ministry to the next, as his state of life changes.