Please click on the links below to read more information.
- Young Families Ministry >
- Youth Ministry >
- Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Ministry >
- Music Ministry >
- Bereavement Team >
- Holy Communion to the Sick >
- Extraordinary Ministers of Communion for Sunday Masses >
- Altar Servers >
- Data Projector/PowerPoint Operators >
- Children's Liturgy >
- Flower Ministry >
- Hospital Chaplaincy >
- Spiritual Direction >
- Marian Mothers >

Young Families Ministry
The Young Family Minister works part-time and covers everything related to young families (parents and their children up to 12 years old) across the parish.
A primary focus is to develop more connections for families in our faith community. At this stage this has included but is not limited to, coordinating the First Sacraments and the Older Children’s Baptism programmes, supporting infant Baptism, children’s liturgy and is a key link to our Catholic schools (primary and intermediate) including intermediate aged Masses. Ideas and involvement are welcomed!

Youth Ministry
Rangatahi mo te mahi minita
Illumin8 Youth Group - Life Teen New Plymouth meets for various social nights, life nights, and retreats. Youth Masses are held every second and last Sunday of the month. We encourage youth participation in Ministries, and everyone is welcome to attend.
Like Parish's Facebook page, "Catholic Parish of New Plymouth", and follow us on Instagram to keep in touch with upcoming events and with each other. Search for Illumin8 Youth.
Join the fun!

Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Ministry
Liturgy o te kupu me te Whakauru Tapu
With the shortage of Priests available to celebrate Mass, lay people are called upon to facilitate a Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion.
Ministers are nominated by their fellow parishioners for this Ministry. There are a team of Ministers trained to conduct a Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion in the absence of a priest.

Music Ministry
mahi minita
We welcome new musicians! There is full support and training available for pianists who wish to make a transition to the organ. We also welcome other instruments.
The choir at St Joseph’s Church often lead the congregational singing and also sing special choral music in keeping with the Liturgies. At Our Lady Help of Christians, Bell Block and St Patricks, we invite all who enjoy singing to prepare for special occasions.
Cantors and song leaders are rostered and prepare weekly for all New Plymouth Masses. Practice times are twice a month, with a microphone and accompanist.
Children are invited to be part of this Ministry! At times throughout the year there will be opportunities to sing in a children’s choir, play instruments, cantor and song lead.

Bereavement Team
Rōpū Whakapai
Parishioners from St Joseph's, Our Lady Help of Christians, Bell Block and Okato who have received training in bereavement ministry have the privilege of assisting people at the time of their bereavement. Visits to offer support to the bereaved also continue in the weeks following.
Members accompany the priest when they visit the bereaved to organise the funeral arrangements. Members then are responsible for the set-up of the Mass or service.
Call 06 7584873 or

Holy Communion to the Sick
Eucharistic Ministry to the housebound, the sick and those in rest homes: Eucharistic Ministers are rostered to visit individuals or rest homes – usually once a month, conduct a small liturgy with the communicant/s and provide them with Holy Communion. In rest homes the more able bodied may gather together as a group. Those who cannot be part of the gathering receive communion individually. The parish newsletter is delivered to communicants as part of this service.
If you would like to participate in this ministry, (training is provided as new ministers are commissioned), or if you wish to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact:
[email protected]
06 757 3682
Marian Richardson
[email protected]
or 027 6303428

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion for Sunday Masses
Frequency of Meetings
Training is provided as new ministers are commissioned and when/if there are changes to procedures/protocols at any of the churches. Once trained, new ministers are commissioned and blessed at Mass. Meetings are held on an 'as needs' basis.
Summary of activities
Distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Sunday Mass.
St Joseph's Church
Alan 753 9492
Our Lady Help of Christians
Helen 027 7870776
Marian Richardson
[email protected]

Altar Servers
Tūmau Altar
For children or teenagers who have made their First Holy Communion. There is regular training for this important role and we welcome interested newcomers.
For St Joseph’s, Bell Block and St Patrick’s Masses
For Our Lady Help of Christians Masses

Data Projector/PowerPoint Operators
This Ministry is assisting with Mass (and other liturgies when requested), by operating the data projector/PowerPoint which projects the words to prayers and hymns onto the big screen. Often the congregation relies on what is shown to participate. You aren’t required to prepare the slides, these are all prepared in advance – you just need to show them. Guidance will be provided as to how to set up the equipment before Mass.
Involvement is limited purely to the duration of the mass, plus 15 minutes before hand to set up the equipment.
Each Church has its own set of volunteers (and all churches are actively seeking more helpers).
St Joseph’s
Contact Craig on 021 494759 or [email protected]
Contact Helen [email protected]
Children's Liturgy
A group of parishioners who take turns to run a 15-20 minute session, catering to children from toddler age to around 12 years during Sunday Masses. The session runs alongside the first part of the Mass during term times and provides teaching on the readings of the day with an activity to follow. All resources are provided, and any new helpers would be welcome to assist.
Contact the Young Families Minister for more information.

Flower Ministry
Minita puawai
A small group of parishioners who are on a roster to take responsibility for the flower arrangements and care of the gardens in the New Plymouth churches. Training is available if you would like a hand to get started. Some flowers can be provided and new helpers are warmly welcomed to help with this Ministry.
St Joseph’s
Contact Janice Ward on 753 6321 or
021 948587 or
[email protected]
Our Lady Help of Christians
Contact Helen on [email protected]
Bell Block Catholic Centre
Contact Sue on 755 0751
If you would like to help with caring for the church gardens.

Hospital Chaplaincy
The Catholic Chaplain, with our priests, provide spiritual and emotional support to meet the needs of Catholic patients hospitalised at Taranaki Base Hospital. It is important that patients state their religion on admission to assist the chaplain identify them. Albert also works in conjunction with the Ecumenical Chaplain who is responsible for patients of other faiths.
Both Chaplains are assisted in this role by volunteers of whom a number are Catholic.
Catholic Chaplain
Albert Chow
Hospital Chaplains are contactable by phone on 06 753 6139 or email Albert - [email protected]

Spiritual Direction
A Pastoral Ministry offered within the Parish by those who have been trained and are able to hold a safe space for another. They are someone with whom you can explore your relationship with God and listen to God’s wisdom and guidance.
Peter Costello 021 026 30766
Or Phil Dyer 021 189 2619

Marian Mothers
Marian Mothers is a network of women who meet monthly for spiritual growth, friendship and a cuppa. Marian Mothers groups began in 1981 and have spread the length and breadth of New Zealand and beyond. Our group is for mothers of all ages and operates under the care of the Marist Laity with Bev McDonald providing monthly newsletters and reflection material for our gatherings.
Pauline on 758 2859 or 027 7172457