
Nga Hunga Tapu

Sacraments are about LIFE. A Sacrament is a meeting with Christ. The seven Sacraments are symbols in which what is symbolised really happens. When celebrated, the Sacraments can create a deep experience of God’s presence and awareness of what God is doing for us. 
There are Sacraments of initiation, sacraments of healing and sacraments of vocation. The Sacraments are celebrated in the 'liturgy' of the Church, its 'public work' and prayer. Christ Jesus is brought into focus through word and Sacrament. This is the public work and prayer of the Christian community. It is Christ who speaks and acts at these events.


The central occasion in which the People of God gather is the Sunday Eucharist, The Lord's day, here the paschal mystery is celebrated.  

If you desire to know more, we have a Ministry Team, supported by many wonderful volunteers throughout the Parish. The first point of contact is ideally the Parish Office via email [email protected] or phone 757 3682.

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This is the way a person becomes a Christian. Jesus, the Lord, asked that people do this. Baptism is the sacrament in which the person is freed from the power of darkness and given the light of Christ. That they may have eternal life.

Baptism means ‘immersion.’ The action of descending into the water symbolises our participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the moment of initiation into the faith community where the person, led by the Holy Spirit, responds to the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is the rebirth of the person as a new creation, a child of God, one who partakes in the very life of God. 

Baptism Preparation: 3rd Sunday of the Month

Group Baptisms are held on the 4th Sunday of the Month or during a regular Sunday Mass

Please phone the Parish Office - 757 3682 for more information and to discuss Baptism for your child.

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Every Sunday the Christian community gathers to celebrate the Eucharist also known as Mass. This is the occasion on which the Christian people draw their identity. No other occasion can replace the Sunday Mass. It is the First Day, the Day of the Lord. From the earliest times the Christian community has gathered on Sunday to celebrate Christ's resurrection and our coming into union with him as individuals and as the community called his body.

On this day, Christ's faithful come together to hear the Word of God and take part in the Eucharist. Here the death and resurrection of Christ are made present to us through the real presence of Christ. We enter into this event and mystery and become what we receive - the body of Christ.

At communion we partake in God's life, we receive the person of Christ and take up his mission. At the end of Mass we 'go in peace glorifying the Lord by our lives.' 

Each year the parish runs a First Reconciliation and First Communion programme for baptised children aged 7 years or older to prepare for these sacraments.  

Please email our Young Family Minister - Karen for more information - [email protected]


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This is a sacrament of healing. It is God who reconciles us to himself through Christ. The Church makes present God's reconciling work in Christ who is reconciling the world to God and us to one another.

The Church brings this into sharper focus through this sacrament. It allows us to experience the marvelous forgiveness of sin through the Holy Spirit. Jesus came for the sick and not for the righteous. We all participate in the sin system and experience ourselves at times trapped in the grasp of darkness.

The celebration of this sacrament is a dialogue moment that happens within the context of a reading from the Word of God and the desire to change.  The result of this conversation is an experience of God's mercy and reconciliation. 

Each year the parish runs First Reconciliation and First Communion programmes for baptised children aged 7 years or older to prepare for these sacraments.

Please email our Young Family Minister - Karen for more information - [email protected]

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The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of initiation. It deepens and strengthens in us the life of the Holy Spirit of God that began at baptism.

Like all the sacraments, Confirmation is a gift given by God. And, like all of God’s gifts, it is designed to help us grow in holiness and bring us closer to Him by imparting grace.

Don’t miss out on experiencing one of God’s greatest gifts.

Each year the parish runs Confirmation Programme for year 11 to 13 students. Please email our Youth Minister - Susilo for more information - [email protected]

Click here for more information.

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For baptised Christians marriage is a vocational sacrament. Marriage is their calling and way of living out the mission of Jesus Christ. Their married life echoes Christ's love for them and makes them a symbol to others.

The life of the divine persons of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is a perfect sharing or communion of life and love. We are made for this type of communion because we are made in God's image. It is a commitment of great dignity and a love that is permanent, faithful, forgiving and life-giving.

At the celebration of marriage, a man and woman say to each other before their families, friends and priest celebrant:

"I (name)........, take you, ........... to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life."

 For marriage to be valid, couples entering it must be capable of that kind of commitment and intend that kind of relationship. If couples are not capable, or intend, such a relationship then this is not marriage.

Catholics do not have to marry in a church, though this is preferred as the altar symbolises the type of love that marriage is. A total gift of self - after Jesus Christ. It is essential that couples do a marriage preparation course before marrying.

Please contact your local parish office to register for the marriage preparation course and to arrange a meeting to complete the marriage papers with a priest.

Catholic Parish of New Plymouth office, phone (06) 757-3682
email: [email protected].

holy orders

The ministerial priesthood is a vocation. A calling to share in Christ's priesthood. It has a public, representative function, and is for service to the people of God.  

The priest is a member of the Christian faithful who has been permanently configured to Christ through holy orders to serve the Church, in collaboration with the local bishop, as representative and agent of Christ, the head of the Church, and therefore as representative and agent of the Church community before God and the world (Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk, at Synod of Bishops, 1990).

Holy Orders is the means that Christ uses to provide the faithful with true shepherds after His own heart. It is received in three degrees: deacon, priest, bishop. The Pope is both a bishop and the leader of all bishops; he is the successor to Saint Peter. By ordination, a bishop becomes a true successor to the first Apostles. Priests are ordained to be assistants to the bishops and to offer the faithful the Gospel and the Sacraments. Deacons assist both bishops and priests; they are appointed to serve the faithful in works of mercy and to preach the Gospel. Ordained persons have a role in the Church that is not given to the laity. Consecrated persons (monks and nuns) are non-ordained members of the laity. 

holy orders
Simon anointing lady

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing for those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age. This sacrament is part of what was given to people under the old name, "The Last Rites."

In this sacrament the whole person is helped and saved. The person anointed with the Oil of the Sick is given a particular gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen the sick person and give peace and courage to overcome the difficulties associated brought about by serious illness or frailty.

This sacrament must be given by a priest as it includes the forgiveness of sin. The prayer said as the person is anointed with the Oil of the Sick is:

"Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up."

It is often a great support if everyone present can lay hands on the person to pray for them with the priest. 

Simon anointing lady